How Do I Change My Calendar URL?

Your calendar URL is the web address where your calendar can be visited online. We created a URL for your calendar based on the Calendar Name you selected when you signed up for an account.

For example, if the name of your calendar is My Awesome Calendar, then we may have created a URL for your calendar at

This URL can be changed at any time on the Calendar Settings screen, which can be accessed by clicking the Calendar Settings option in the main navigation.

You will see the calendar URL setting right after your calendar name setting. To change the calendar URL, type a new address in the field and save your settings. 

Formatting Your URL

Your calendar URL must contain no spaces or special characters, though you can connect words with hyphens or underscores. For example:

  • myawesomecalendar
  • my-awesome-calendar
  • my_awesome_calendar

Pro tip: No two Loxi calendars can have the same URL. If you select a URL that is already in use by another Loxi calendar, you will be prompted to try another option.

Using Your Own Domain or Web Address

You might prefer to use a completely custom web address for your calendar. While all Loxi calendars are a subdomain of and a URL is required in your Calendar Settings screen, there are still ways that you can use your own custom web address to point people to your calendar.

Embed the Calendar on Your Site

You can embed your Loxi calendar on any webpage you have access to edit and embedding your Loxi calendar on a website has no impact on your website’s URL. That means you can use any webpage as the home for your calendar by embedding the calendar on the page.

The code snippet for embedding your calendar is located on the Calendar Embed screen, which can be accessed by clicking the Embed / Export option within your Loxi account.

Read our full embed instructions for more details.

Redirect a Custom Domain

If you have a domain (e.g., then you can set that domain to forward to your Loxi calendar address. Your domain registrar or host will be able to provide you with the settings to make that happen, but here are the instructions for a few popular providers:

Your host provider will often allow you to redirect a specific address (e.g. using similar instructions.