Venues: Create, Edit and Use

Let’s talk about how to integrate Venues in your Calendar.

The first thing you should know is that Venues are completely optional when you are creating events. But they're awesome and we think you should use them. 😉

1. Creating a New Venue

First things first: let's publish a new venue so it can be selected and used when publishing events. 

Head over to the Venues page using the main navigation. Once there, click the Add New option at the top of the screen.

This will take you to a screen to fill out the venue's information.

  • Venue Name: This is the title that will be displayed on events.
  • Location: Enter the address, location or landmark where the venue is located. Loxi will make suggestions as you type.
  • Website: This is a URL that displays on the event where guests can get more information about the venue.
  • Display Country: Lets you decide whether the location address should display the country.
  • Set as Default Venue: If enabled, this will automatically assign the venue to new events when they are created.

Click the  Save Venues Details button to save and create the venue. 

It is now available for use on new events.

Pro Tip 1 If your event is an online webinar it probably does not have a location. Leave the Location field blank and use the Website field.

Pro Tip 2: Alternatively, you can create a venue when creating an event. Open the Venue & Location option in the Event Settings and click the Add Venue option.

2. Edit a Saved Venue

Venues can be edited once they have been created.

  1. Navigate to the Venues screen in the admin toolbar
  2. Click the venue name to enter the editing screen
  3. Make changes
  4. Click the Save Venue Details button

Pro tip: Editing a venue updates the information on all events that are associated with the venue. Similarly, deleting a venue removes the venue from all events the venue was added to.

Caution: Deleting a venue will permanently remove it from your Saved Venues list and from any event associated with the venue. This cannot be undone. See the  Deleting a Saved Venue tutorial for more information.

3. Add Venues to Events

Any saved Venue can be added to an event.

  • Click on the Venue & Location tab of the Event Settings screen
  • Select the desired venue from the dropdown list of options 
  • Click on the Venue & Location tab to return to the Event Settings screen

The venue is now added to the event.

4. Use a Custom Label

Loxi lets you replace the word "Venues" with a custom word of your choice. 

To change "Venues" to a custom label:

  • Click the Venues menu item in the admin toolbar
  • Click Use custom label at the top of the screen
  • Provide the Singular andPlural versions of the custom label
  • Hit the Save Custom Label button