How can I request a new feature?

Have an idea how Loxi can be better? Definitely let us know.

You can contact us by:

  1. Opening a ticket in our Help Center
  2. Using the contact form found at the bottom of our Contact page

The best feature requests are the ones that both show and tell us what you want. Here are a couple of questions that help us get a better sense of what you are looking for:

  • How would you use this new feature? 
  • What benefit would it give you? 
  • Is this feature available on other online calendars? 
  • Are there screenshots of examples that have implemented this feature well? 

Please know that we are unable to build every feature request that comes our way. 

We read every single request that comes in and do our best to prioritize everyone’s ideas alongside the ones we are already in the process of planning. We’ll certainly follow-up with you directly if we have questions or updates to share with you.